You know it's summer and I know it's summer when I can actually post a rave about a taste test. My brother-in-law and I did a Reese's vs. Butterfinger test a while ago because both of us
will use any excuse to eat chocolate. "I was researching for my blog!" I exclaimed to him. Ever the sharp-questioning attorney that he is, he wanted in. "Well, you need a second opinion; it's only fair." he counter argued. So there you have it, the beginning
of the Great Reese's vs. Butterfinger Taste Test. Now (Hershey's) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups have always been a staple in my house. I stock them in the freezer, in my candy jar in miniature form, and always give them out on Halloween. But new
on the shelves this January from Nestle came smooth and crunchy Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups. So what's a peanut butter and chocolate lover to do? Compare and contrast friends, compare and contrast. We started with the the tried and true Reeses
Peanut Butter Cups in thier original state. Reese's are round while Butterfinger's are square. Reese's insides are yellowish while Butterfinger's are orange, just like the candy bar. Reese's inside has a bit more of a nutty flavor, while Butterfinger has more
of a buttery taste. Reese's come in a frilly paper cup, but Butterfinger comes naked. So which one wins? They both do! Each is just different enough enough to warrant buying both. They are both monumentally delicious! I still can't make a decision
so I just buy two. Make sure to put them on your "to try" list this summer!